Attracting international scientist and engineers from academia, governmental institutions and industry is a major goal of the society. Therefore, membership of the European Society for Experimental Mechanics is open to both individual, as well as corporate members who support the mission of the society and who are committed to advance and disseminate recently acquire knowledge related to experimental methods.
Participants with a confirmed and fully paid registration fee of an ICEM-conference receive an individual membership for 2 years (conference year and following year) following the start date of the ICEM-conference.
The Individual Member Class contains five different classes: Regular, Student, Fellow, Honorary and Emeritus/retired. Individual Members of EuraSEM are entitled to participate in all the activities of EuraSEM and have a single vote at the General Assembly. They may be elected as a member of the Council and Executive Committee and may submit proposals to the Council to host an ICEM Conference.
- A Regular Member is an individual who supports the mission of the society and has paid the regular membership fees. An individual can opt for a yearly or lifetime subscription. The cost for a subscription on a yearly basis is 50€, for a lifetime subscription 1000€. Membership expires after 13 months.
- Student Membership is available to any full-time engineering or science student (graduate or undergraduate) who supports the mission of the society, has submitted proof of full-time student status and has paid the Student subscription fee for the current year. The cost for a student subscription is 25€ per year. Not-working and Post-Doctoral students do not qualify for Student Membership. Membership expires after 13 months.
- Fellows are persons who have been member of EuraSEM for at least ten years and who have distinguished themselves through contributions to the Society and to the art, science, teaching, or practice of experimental mechanics. Elections for this distinction shall be in accordance with the procedure specified in the Bylaws
- An Honorary Member is an individual of widely recognized eminence in topics related to experimental mechanics, and who has also rendered exceptional and sustained service to the Society. Honorary members shall enjoy all the privileges of Individual membership but are exempted from paying annual membership fees. Individuals shall be selected for this honour by action of the Executive Committee, in accordance with the procedure specified in the Bylaws.
- A Retired Member shall be an individual of 65 years of age or over, who is no longer employed on a full-time basis and who has been a member of the Society for the 20 years immediately preceding retirement. Retired members are exempt from paying the annual membership fees and have the same rights and privileges as a Regular Member.
A Corporate Member is a commercial company, a technical or (national/international) scientific society, a governmental/educational institution or any other organization or association which provides annual (financial) support and assists the Society in furthering the purposes stated in the mission of the society.
- Commercial company membership (yearly fee: 750€)
Includes 5 individual memberships, reduction (50%) for exhibition during ICEM-conference, link to their website on EuraSEM-website and a reduction (50%) for advertisement on EuraSEM home-page.
- Scientific institution membership (free)
When national/local societies enrol they become an affiliated society. They will have a link to their website and can put advertisement for events on EuraSEM’s website.