The European Society for Experimental Mechanics

Founded in 1959 and still committed to promote research, development and education of all experimental methods. The society is officially registered as an International Non-Profit Organisation with head office at the Palaca of Academia in Brussels, Belgium.

The next ICEM21 - July, 6-11, 2025

The next International Conference on Experimental Mechanics will take place in the beautiful city of Bologna, Italy between the 6th and 11th of July, 2025. The general theme is: The global nexus of ideas and minds shaping the experimental mechanics of the future. The chairman is Prof. Dario Croccolo.

The last successfull edition: ICEM20, Porto, 2-7 July, 2023

The twentieth international conference on experimental mechanics took place in the beautiful city of Porto, Portugal. Porto is one of the oldest tourist destinations of Europe and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Will be held in Bologna, Italy

July 6-11, 2025

Next ICEM Conference: ICEM21

ICEM21 is the 21st international gathering of a prestigious series of conferences coordinated by the European Society for Experimental Mechanics (EuraSEM). This series of conferences started in 1959, in Delft and have been wholly devoted to advances in Experimental Mechanics an its applications to development of new materials, structural integrity and design and biomechanics. This time, the conference will take place in the beautiful city of Bologna, Italy, in the modern and magnificent facilities of the Bologna Congres center.


Conference attendence awards

6-11, July 2025

ICEM21 Conference attendance awards

EuraSEM is inviting applications for 10 conference attendance awards for PhD students or postdoctoral fellows to attend ICEM21 in Bologna, Italy, July 6-11, 2025.

Applicantions should be submitted before June 1, 2025:


Awara, Fukui, Japan

October 9-12, 2023

ATEM-iDICs '23

The Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics and International DIC Society Joint Conference 2023 (ATEM-iDICs ’23) is held in Awara, Fukui, Japan, during October 9-12, 2023. ATEM is the international conference of the Materials & Mechanics Division of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, and ATEM ’23 is the 11th conference of the series which started in 1993, in Kanazawa, Japan. It will be held as a joint conference with the iDICs annual meeting in 2023. This conference is also held as the 21th Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2023 (ACEM 2023) organized by the Asian Society of Experimental Mechanics (ASEM).

Experimental Mechanics covers all the aspects of experimental studies on mechanics, therefore, the ATEM conference welcomes various experimental studies from solid mechanics to fluid or bio mechanics, and from basic sciences to industrial applications

EuraSEM News 1 - Technical committees

In 2014 before ICEM16 in Cambridge, a number of Technical Committees (TCs) were established.  There were initial meetings in Cambridge, but they never got off the ground.  Hence, we are trying once more to establish these TCs. Anyone who is interested in participating may get in touch with the Chair of that TC.  Many TC Chairs plan to organize a special session at ICEM19 which will take place in Krakow from July 5, 2020 until July 8, 2020.  You are invited to submit abstracts to the ICEM19 website and specify a special session.

EuraSEM News 2

The European Society for Experimental Mechanics will launch a new website with a private and members-only section.

News from Affiliated Societies

The European Society for Experimental Mechanics will launch a new website with a private and members-only section.

News from Affiliated Societies

The European Society for Experimental Mechanics will launch a new website with a private and members-only section.

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